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  • Stacey Shevlin

Tvrdalj Castle – Ancient Beauty In Stari Grad

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Tour Tvrdalj Castle

Travel Tips Croatia - Tour Tvrdalj Castle

Tvrdalj Castle Stari Grad is well worth a visit while in town. The building was the fortified summer residence of Petar Hektorović, the Croatian poet (1487–1572). During the 16th century, the island of Hvar came under attack from the Ottoman Turks. Hektorović, one of the local nobles, took on the task of fortifying his house so that it could act as shelter for the local citizens.

In the interior courtyard, you will find a seawater fish pool surrounded by a vaulted terrace. The bedrooms and other living spaces were built adjacent to this pool. A large walled garden that was once used for growing herbs and medicinal plants is also adjacent to the pool.

For Hektorović, the home was almost as important as his poetry. He created a space, where, in his mind, all creatures, plants, and people could exist symbiotically together. As you walk around the residence, keep an eye out and you'll find inscriptions of his poetry.

It's well worth the 15 Kuna to go inside and take a look around. The money goes to maintaining and staffing the building.

Tip: the view from the terrace is wonderful.

You can grab tickets at the door, they are open from 10 am - 1 pm... then again from 5:30-8pm. You can find Tvrdalj Castle Stari Grad at Priko b.b., 21460 -- you can't miss it as it's located in the center square of town.


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